Event Detail

Report by Anass CHAKER LAMRANI
PhD in Biology and Health
  • 9.30 AM - 12.30 PM
  • High school Mohammed CHRAIBI, Kenitra, MOROCCO


Preamble :

  • On 06/03/2023,
  • Number of participants: 57 students,
  • The place: High school Mohammed CHRAIBI,
  • The city: KENITRA

After a short presentation of the work theme, a word from the director of the establishment to the speakers and the participating students, followed by an explanation of the workshops prepared and their uses.

Workshop 1: knowing the structure and functioning of memory

    In this workshop, the facilitators tried to present the brain and these external anatomical structures to the students by different means: datashow, images, ...
    This first step was very important to situate the students' representations in relation to the main organ of the human body. In order to better know the organ in these real dimensions, the animators prepared several animal brains: sheep and rat. It was also an opportunity to inform the students about the solution used to save the brain for scientific research purposes.
    By means of medical gloves, the students also had the opportunity to touch and carry the brains in their hands.

Workshop 2: dissecting an animal brain

    In this part, with the help of the animators, the students had the opportunity to know how a scientist can use tools to dissect a brain.
    It was also important to situate the dissection in the objective of the research, that is to say, what will be our goal, is it the work on the external or internal parts of the brain, and in which sagittal or transverse section.
    With respect for the scientific protocol through the use of gloves, medical glasses and specific cutting edges.

Workshop 3: knowing the influence of digital addiction on the brain

    During the dissection, a clarification was made on the parts affected by digital addictions, such as the amygdala, the hippocampus and the frontal part.
    It was an opportunity for students to experience the harmful effects of excessive use of technological tools on their cognitive and emotional faculties.
    Questions were asked as we went along to clarify things or to find out more.

Workshop 4: creating and using the technological prototype of the human brain

    This hands-on workshop was an opportunity to make a human brain by putting together parts cut by themselves.
    At the end of the workshop, each group of students was able to bring together two paper brains and adopt a collaborative and also competitive work.Thereafter an experimental use of the prototype made by the student engineers allowed the students to really see the stimulation of the parts concerned by each human sense.
    By experimenting and bringing together the parts of the brain, the students were able to know, understand and visualize in real time the entire structure and functioning of the human brain.

Summary :
Towards the end of the workshops, it was an opportunity to recall all the activities carried out and also the information retained by the students.

A celebration of the end of the workshops was also an opportunity to give participants certificates of participation in the MOROCCAN BRAIN AWERNESSE WEEK workshops.

  • MONTE CLERE school groupI, Kenitra, MOROCCO
  • 9.30 AM - 12.30 PM


Preamble :

  • On 07/03/2023,
  • Number of participants: 40 students,
  • The place: MONTE CLERE school group,
  • The city: KENITRA

A short presentation of the objective of our theme with the participation of the administrative staff and then we started our activity. The particularity of this day was related to the animation of the workshops in the presence of two school levels: the 6th primary years and the 9th college years. Bringing the two levels together was an experiment for us to see the degree of interactions that participants can feel when having original content in partnership with others. an opportunity also to see the degree of attention and the quality of the questions asked by the two levels. .

Workshop 1: theoretical presentation of brain structures

    The use of the general presentation was consistent with the presence of the two school levels to explain globally according to the students' subsequent knowledge of the brain, especially since each school level benefited during its program from a module on the nervous system..
    Thus, based on the slides presented, the objective was to introduce participants to know the parts of the brain and also the lobes that constitute it.

Workshop 2: touching, carrying and dissecting an animal brain

    The second part was an opportunity to come into direct contact with the real brains that we brought to the participants. In front of them, the operation of the dissection of the brain took place without incident, accompanied by explanations presented by the animators.
    Discover the protocol of scientific research with scientific ethics in the use of animals in the laboratory and with the discovery of dissection tools and the microscope.

Workshop 3: use the microscope and discover the brain

    The advantage in this school group is that we found an electron microscope, and it was an opportunity for the students to live this experience of handling and using the microscope and also to see some sections of a brain. of rat already presented on the slides.
    The organization of the participants was also an opportunity for them to discuss the theme and also the information given around the presentation.
    What is also important is the connection made with the participants between the parts of the brain and also the school functions necessary for academic success.

Workshop 4: making a paper brain

    For 6th graders, we offered a paper brain making workshop by cutting out and assembling all the pieces into one piece representing a paper brain.
    The collective workshop was also an opportunity for exchanges between the members and also for mutual aid in the constitution of the shredded parts of the brain.

Workshop 5: Make a brain helmet

    For 9th graders; we proposed a more complex workshop by asking participants to make a helmet brain by gluing two parts of the hemispheres and taking an oval shape.
    The group workshop always gives participants the opportunity to communicate around the theme and also around the difficulties encountered.

Workshop 6: prototype and sensitive areas of the brain

    By discovering the manufactured prototype, the students had the opportunity to discover the possibility of translating ideas in their head into real creation. The prototype gives participants the opportunity to see the reaction of their mobilization of a sense on the brain by the light of the LEDs on the brain.
    Interacting with the prototype and varying the discovery gives participants an additional opportunity to memorize information about the brain.

Summary :
Towards the end of the activity, comments were made and clarifications regarding the content presented during the activity.

The end was also an opportunity to take pictures and thank the administrative staff and teachers who assisted during our activity.

  • MARIA MONTESSORIE school group, Kenitra, MOROCCO
  • 9.30 AM - 12.30 PM


Preamble :

  • On 08/03/2023,
  • Number of participants: 40 students,
  • The place: MARIA MONTESSORIE school group,
  • The city: KENITRA

Topic: Brain, memory, structure, functions The particularity of this establishment is that we work with two groups. A 2nd year baccalaureate class and a science common core class. And each group for 1h45. Another particularity of this establishment is the quality of the laboratory and the scientific provisions made available to students and teachers. For each group a small presentation of the objective of the activity and also of the workshops recommended for the group.

Workshop 1: Human Brain Structures and Anatomy

    Using a PPT, the animators attempted to describe parts of the brain using images and written and oral explanations.
    It was also an opportunity to reframe the participants' representations of the human brain based on study modules according to school level.
    The involvement of participants in the formulation of questions and information by the facilitators showed us a particular interest in the activity.

Workshop 2: Animal brain dissection

    The animal brain dissection workshop (rat and sheep) was an opportunity to discover the specifics of scientific ethics in the handling of guinea pigs and also the stages of conservation and dissection of parts intended for microscopic research.
    The participants had the opportunity to see the dissection of parts of the brain, and also to manipulate and touch parts using gloves and medical glasses to guarantee hygiene and at the same time familiarize themselves with the specificities of work in science labs.

Workshop 3: Microscopic observation of parts of the animal brain

    In this workshop, we were fortunate to have three educational and scientific microscopes. They enabled us to have individual work for each participant. And also allowed the exploration for the first time by the participants of the quality of the sections of the brain to show the parts already evoked during the PPT presentation.
    The microscope workshop aroused a lot of interest among the students, who engaged in duel or group discussions about the observations and remarks.

Workshop 4: Build a brain out of paper

    The workshop is an opportunity for participants to do manual work that allows them to build a brain out of paper.
    The workshop allows cooperative work between the participants and develops their interpersonal communication and leaves them a lot of freedom even if they are oriented by the time of realization.
    The completion of the workshop allows the participants to feel the effect of culmination especially by comparing themselves to others and defying time.

Workshop 5: Compile a brain diagram

    The workshop is different from the first because it is intended for the level of the 2nd year bac, and aims to bring together all the cut parts.
    The workshop requires a cooperative work of the group and also a meticulous work on the part of the participants.
    In this establishment, we noticed a certain delay of the participants in constituting this plan except for a few.

Workshop 6: Jigsaw a brain model

    We took advantage of the presence of a plastic brain model to ask a small group to try to bring together the entire brain, with the challenge of the time it takes. this workshop was an opportunity to ensure that participants mastered the theoretical concepts already mentioned during the PPT presentation and the dissection of parts of the animal brain.

Summary :
Our activity in the MONTESSORIE establishment was particular in two aspects, the first is the quality of the laboratory in the establishment, and the second is the voluntary involvement of the participants in the workshops and also in the questions and requests for information. information.

Certificates of participation and photos were taken at the end of the workshop to memorize the day and keep memories.

  • 9.30 AM - 12.30 PM
  • MONTE CLERE school groupI, Kenitra, MOROCCO


Preamble :

  • On 09/03/2023,
  • Number of participants: 25 handicapped,
  • The place: AMVIM association,
  • The city: KENITRA

The special feature of this activity is the public concerned. The disabled that we received were of two categories: trisomy 21, and cerebral palsy. For the former, the work in the workshops aroused a lot of interest and commitment and even mood, the latter also had interest but given their handicaps did not help in manual work but also aroused smiling and affectionate commitment, especially in the presence of their careers and organizers in the association who are also part of the disabled but who have been able to develop a certain autonomy in relation to their disabilities. .

Workshop 1: understand the nervous system

    The first workshop was a bit special because we had to adapt the content to the listeners, it was also an opportunity to ask ourselves the question about the necessary information on the nervous system and the particularities of these handicapped people. But the explanations that were made drew the attention of trisomy’s 21 and which also raised many questions.
    When the nervous system was presented on images, they directly made the connection with their body and with their culture. But unfortunately, we didn't feel a return from the cerebral palsy because their disability is very particular.

Workshop 2: Make a brain out of paper

    With the help of the animators of the association, we were able to motivate the participants to create their own hat by trying to cut and glue the pieces of a paper brain.
    It was also an opportunity to know them by their first names and to enter into communication with them.At the end of the workshop, they voluntarily wore the paper hats and played with them while having joy in their eyes.

Workshop 3: discover the animal brain and dissect it

    The other workshop was dedicated to the presentation of animal brains and their dissection in the presence of participants with a focus on very superficial explanations according to their requests. Even so, a strong motivation was present in this workshop, because the presence of real brains gave the presentations an attractive aspect. And also, the dissection with the tools impressed all the participants.

Workshop 4: cut and glue parts of the brain

    This workshop consisted in cutting pieces of an image of the brain and then gluing them on another blank page while respecting the first structure.
    Using scissors and glue allowed participants to be alert and also focused. little talk and chatter marked this sequence.
    It was always a pleasure to receive a request for help from someone who can't finish a job that has already been started.

Summary :
At the end of the workshop and given the respect for the meal times of the participants, the activities ended by cascades respecting the departure who are the most concerned and we also took the opportunity to present their certificates of participation. and take photos together.

  • national school of applied science ENSA, Kenitra, MOROCCO
  • 02.15 PM - 04.30 PM


Preamble :

  • On 08/03/2023,
  • Number of participants: 80 students,
  • The place: national school of applied science ENSA,
  • The city: KENITRA

The activity in ENSA had a particularity because it consisted of public presentations to a very varied audience and constituted by academics and adults from outside the university. The mid-day themes aroused a lot of interest among the participants and provoked debates and polemics during the discussions. After a word of presentation of the objective of our activity and its integration into an international program celebrating the week of the brain, we presented the titles of the papers and also the speakers by their first name and their university titles.

Workshop 1: spirituality and brain

    The topic was actually about the impact of religious beliefs and religious practices on brain function. The contribution of internal tranquility can only provide stability from anxieties related to daily life and guarantees a certain emotional balance that safeguards a good functioning of the nervous and immune system in the human body. Research focuses more on the influence of religious practices in comparison with other practices or their absence.

Workshop 2: Autism and the brain

    The subject treats the origin of the disease, which is no longer an isolated disease but a compound one. The spectrum of autism is increasingly present in scientific research all over the world. The disease has biological but also environmental bases. The suffering of the parents in the care and the lack of specialized centers in this direction leaves a big void for the diagnosis and also the therapeutic supervision. The latter has revealed its effectiveness in several studies in improving the quality of life of the cases studied and also in minimizing the impact of the disease on those around the patient.

Workshop 3: creativity and brain

    The impact of learning on the development of creative competence in children and adults was the main theme of the intervention. Concerned public, method used but also expected results are parameters that have been addressed with precision and detail. Based on the results of scientific research carried out right here in Morocco, under the guidance of an engineer and a university professor, the impact has been concrete and the orientation is aimed at everyone except university students.

Workshop 4: addiction and the brain

    Generation Z's obsession with smartphones and social media in particular has given rise to a new category of behavioral addiction. Admittedly, studies show more and more the effect of behavioral addictions on the brain and especially that of children. Based on research done in Morocco too, the Scout Method presents researchers with a therapeutic and learning option that can minimize the effects on cognitive functions like working memory and perception. The important thing was to draw a warning signal against the new addictive trend faced with the massive use of technological tools and digital applications.

Workshop 5: mental health and brain

    Addressing the subject from the point of view of mental health and its influence on the brain, was an opportunity to reach the public. Because the questions and discussions touched on several facets and angles of view according to personal experiences. Indeed, the brain with these neurotransmitters and these synapses and dendrite affects the psychic state and vice versa.
    A back and forth between cause and consequence always leaves debates between scientists and also on their research. Emotions are also involved in the management of the mental and also physical state. The subject really hits a crossroads between what is pharmaceutical, therapeutic and scientific. It is a crossroads between several research fields.

Summary :
The event was an opportunity to touch several data relating to the brain, these structures and also these functioning in normal states and also in states of deficiency. The public appreciated this mix of scientific information which emanated from several sectors and presented by several academic profiles.